Sunday, November 29, 2009

11.29.09 - It's Been A Little While

Pocahontas State Park
Chesterfield, Virginia

Saturday, November 21, 2009

11.20.09 - Cleanliness is next to...a "No Parking" sign??


Out near Jackson Ward in Richmond, Virginia this afternoon to get some lunch and shoot my weekly installment of our Any Given Friday challenge.

This week, Vanessa chose "42 Steps", which was a slightly modified version of a challenge that recently appeared on (of which we're both members). In this one you:

1. Pick a starting point and walk [33] paces in one direction
2. Turn in any other direction and walk [5] paces
3. Turn in any other direction and walk [4] paces
4. Without taking another step, compose a shot from what you can see from that point

The numbers above are in brackets since the original challenge called for 47 paces out your front door....35, 6, and 6. She likes the number 42 (R.I.P., Douglas Adams!), so we changed it and each of us had the latitude to decide where to cut those 5 steps.

From my parking spot, I ended up at the intersection of Broad Street and Brook Road, and this was the most interesting sight around me: a woman in a burqa sweeping newly-fallen leaves from the sidewalk into the street.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

11.13.09 - Apathendipity

A new word was born!

apathendipity /æp.ə.θən.ˈdɪ.pə.ti/ - noun

   1. An unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected discovery that happens by accident while lacking emotion or motivation about a person, activity, or object.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

11.06.09 - Two under the tree

I had a model shoot for a couple this afternoon and decided to give this a shot. I was flat on my back at the base of the tree with both of them standing immediately to either side of me.